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7 Powerful Ways to Treat Eye Pain Quickly In Natural

7 Powerful Ways to Treat Eye Pain Quickly In Natural

Eye pain is not included in the type of dangerous diseases. However, getting an eye sore will greatly disrupt your daily productivity. Almost all activities require excellent eye performance. Having to undergo an activity with sore eyes will feel very annoying.

Treating eye pain can be done by utilizing natural ingredients that easily we get around us. Here are 7 alternative natural ingredients that you can try to treat eye pain quickly.

1. Warm Air Compress

Compressing the eyes using warm water is the easiest and most effective way to treat sore eyes caused by dust, bacteria, or allergies. Before compressing the eyes, clean your eyes from dust, belek, or other dirt. Then dip a small towel into warm water and start compressing it on your eyes. Make sure the warm water and towels that you use was already protected from bacteria and dirt.

2. Salt Water Solution

In addition to warm water, salt water is also effective to treat itchy eyes. Salt has a natural content that can kill the bacteria that cause eye pain. You can use this salt water by washing it on the eyes or by using a compress.

3. Green Tea

Green tea has been known as one of the most effective herbal drinks in overcoming various diseases, one of which is treating sore eyes. However, using green tea to treat eyes is not by way of drinking. You have to brew two bags of green tea to become an eyewash water. In addition, you can also put a former brew of green tea bags that have been cooled on your eyes as a compress.

4. Rose Water

Who does not like roses? Beautiful flowers and have a distinctive aroma is always a favorite of every woman. Behind its beauty, rose water also proved to have good benefits to treat the itchy eyes and red. You can use water mixed with roses, or rose water in packages sold in minimarkets / pharmacies around you.

5. Cold Milk

Fresh milk is not only good for bone growth. Fresh milk turned out to be used as eye medicine, especially eye bintitan. The use of pure milk as an eye medicine is not consumed. You just have to prepare the dipped cotton in cold milk. Then, stick the cotton to the affected part of the eye. The content in milk will help remove bacteria in the stools so as to eliminate swelling in the eyes.

6. Garlic

In addition to being a spice cooking, garlic is also a natural ingredient that is beneficial to eye health. Gum from garlic proved effective to treat eye bintitan. Before using garlic, compress your eyes first with warm water. Then, slice the tip of one garlic clove. Put the tip of the onion onto the lump of the eye. The effect of your eyes will feel sore. Let stand a few moments until your eyes draw water. This way should be done before you sleep so as not to interfere with the activity.

7. Turmeric

The benefits of turmeric for health have been recognized for years. Turmeric is a natural antibiotic and antiseptic to prevent many infections of the skin, including the eyes. Just like garlic, turmeric is also effective to remove stalks and swelling due to orbital cellulitis in the eye. In addition, turmeric is also powerful to remove bacteria that cause infections and conjunctivitis.How to apply turmeric on the eyes quite easily. Combine 1 tablespoon of turmeric with 2 cups boiling water. Once cooled, strain the turmeric mixture until the remaining water only. Then, use turmeric water as an eyelash remover.

That's how to treat eye pain quickly by using natural ingredients that have no side effects. These materials are very easy to find so you do not have to worry about prolonged eye pain. The most important thing to remember is that you should always maintain the health and cleanliness of your eyes. May be useful.



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