13 Powerful Ways to Cure Sprue Without Drugs foto kesehatantubuh-tips.blogspot.com Thrush on the tongue, lips, or around the inside of the mouth can appear if you are under stress, exposed to viral infections, food allergies, or lack of vitamins or minerals. Not only that, the immune system is problematic, hormones up and down, menstrual cycle, tongue or mouth wall bitten, and injuries in the mouth can also be one cause of sprue. Thrush is disturbing. Eat sick, drink difficult, even brush teeth. Fortunately, the little red, yellow, or white can be treated with natural canker sores. Here are 13 ways that can cure canker sores without drugs: 1. Gargle with salt solution (½ teaspoon salt and glass of water) for 3-4 times a day. Or with a solution of baking soda (1 teaspoon baking soda and ½ cup warm water) 2. Diligent toothbrush and use dental floss for canker sores are not infected with bacteria. 3. Apply a small amount of liquid magnesium hydroxide ...
9 home remedies for fever foto biosolus.com There are two things you can do to lower the fever, ie with drugs and without drugs. In this article will discuss about how to reduce fever without drugs. How to reduce fever in adults without drugs is easy to do. The necessary ingredients can be found around us, so how to reduce fever in adults without this drug is worth it and worth trying. 1. Warm bath water Warm bath water is a therapy for the body that is experiencing a fever so that his body temperature immediately dropped. Warm temperatures in the bath water will open the pores of the skin, making it easier for the body to release excessive heat in the body. In addition, a warm bath can launch blood circulation. A smooth blood circulation will help blood circulate the juices of food and oxygen throughout the body better, so that the healing process of fever will take place more quickly. 2. Compress Compress is a common way to reduce fever. Compre...